Educational Project of Belarus Hi-Tech Park and Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

We Invite Beginners to Take a Course in Scratch

The Educational Center of the Hi-Tech Park invites teachers and students majoring in pedagogy who have no experience in Scratch to take an online course Scratch for Beginners.

The course was developed to enable learning Scratch basics and training programming skills without a tutor.

Special video tutorials are to present the theory (which is especially convenient for project building demonstration).

The practical part of the course includes exercises which are focused on:

  • repetition, when students need to build a script following an example;

  • revision of the theory and practical skills training, when students need to build a script on their own using the new knowledge. 

To complete a module, students have to pass a test.

Participation is free.

The course starts January 15 and finishes February 15.

Registration is available at the link.

Good luck!