Educational Project of Belarus Hi-Tech Park and Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

We Invite Teachers to Complete Online Course "Scratch For Beginners"


The Educational Center of the Hi-Tech Park invites teachers and students majoring in pedagogy with no experience in Scratch programming environment to take online course "Scratch for beginners".

The structure and materials of the course were developed for students to master the basics and gain experience in Scratch programming environment without a tutor. Upon successful completion of the course the participants will be able to create their own projects.

Tutorial videos present the theoretical part of the course. It is especially convenient for project building demonstration.

The practical part includes exercises of two types based on:

·         revision of the material when the participants need to build a script according to the example;

·         revision of the material and practical exercises when the students are to build a script on their own with theoretical knowledge.

Each module is followed by a self-control test. To start the next module students have to pass the test.

Olga: “The tests were interesting, they contained a lot of information”.

Irina: “The tasks were varied and well-chosen for the tests”.

The participants who have passed the tests will receive certificates from the Hi-Tech Park.

The course is free of charge.

The duration of the course is from March 15, 2018 till April 15, 2018.

To start the course you need:

- to fill in the form

- to register online (full name, e-mail)

You are kindly requested to write your full name while signing up. It is required for filling in the certificate of completion. Certificates will not be issued in case of indication of incomplete data (full name, e-mail) even if all the tests are passed.

Good luck!